
Travel by train

Weg / pad / route

If you arrive at the Schiphol Airport, there will be multiple options on how to get to Breda.  

The common option is traveling by train.

The fastest way by train is taking the 'NS Intercity direct to Breda' on the train station at Schiphol Airport. This train will take you in one line to Breda. 

By choosing to travel by train you will have to buy a ticket. This is possible online at https://www.ns.nl/or at Schiphol Airport at the NS OV-chipkaart point.  

For more information please check the NS website by arrival: https://www.ns.nl/ 

For guidance at Schiphol Airport go to the NS OV-chipkaart point located in Schiphol Airport, where they can further guide you to get the correct train to Breda.  

Please note that wearing a facemask on the train is required.

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